Transform Your Relationship with your Past, your Mind, your Body, your Energy and your Being & Step into the Embodiment of Your Highest Self

With the Signature 5 Pillar Embodied Breakthrough System

Your childhood experiences, traumas, societal conditioning and the beliefs you learned about your identity and life have gotten you to where you are today...

You survived and made it this far, but you know deep inside that there is so much more than just merely surviving. 

You were conditioned to think the same thoughts, to feel the same emotions, to flood your body with same neuro-chemicals that make you experience the same physical sensations that drive you to take the same actions that lead you to the same results. 

The truth is, you’ve been doing it for so long that you are now addicted to who you were conditioned to be, think, feel and behave because that is how your body gets its fix now. 

It’s also become the most familiar state to you, and for your mind, familiar equals safe, familiar equals survival. Your mind will not risk you trying a new way and potentially not surviving.

So you feel stuck in the same personality, stuck in your body, stuck in your behaviors, stuck in your reality, and stuck in patterns that keep that reality re-manifesting over and over again. 

No one told you before that YOU have been given control of this entire process and that you can Breakthrough to a higher and more expanded version of your whole self, to a higher state of being and operating, and to a higher and more fulfilling experience of a reality that you get to design and create with the guidance and support of your Creator.

Either they don’t know, or they don’t want you to know. But, I’m here to tell you:

The YOU and the LIFE that you’ve been dreaming of is on the other side of this powerful truth!

“What a marvellous experience! I can’t believe how powerful your technique is – so easy to do, very elegant and incredibly effective. 

I feel I have shifted so much – I feel lighter, much calmer and quite upbeat!

I’m so pleased I tried this approach and feel very grateful to have encountered it.”

– Lisa C 

Release your Past, Reprogram your Mind, Rewire your Body, Raise your Energy, and Realise your Purpose and Full Potential

The 12-Week Embodied Breakthrough Program

1:1 empowered embodiment coaching taking you from Breakdown, to Breakthrough, and Beyond

You were chosen and selected to exist and therefore you are worthy of existing. And you were chosen to exist to serve a greater purpose.

You were sent to this world with all the information, gifts, talents, resources, and power that you need to exist (be) and to serve that purpose (do). 

You’ve been lied to however, conditioned to think that you are powerless, helpless and useless and that your life is absolutely meaningless.

You’ve been put into the hamster wheel of survival and believing that you are not enough, that you are not loveable, that you are not worthy, that resources are scarce and that you need to earn your right to exist and have your basic needs met. 

Operating from those beliefs and in that state, you drain your energy, you stay stuck, and whatever you produce, you give away to those in power to gain their approval, so that maybe you get some breadcrumbs that keep you alive in return. 

Someone is winning, and unfortunately, it isn’t you!

Yet you’ve been guided to this page here and that tells me that you are ready to step into your full power and Start Winning At Life. 

Maybe you don’t know where you are at right now, but you know that you will not stay here any longer. You are ready for an Embodied Breakthrough and an Embodied Transformation.  

Yes, you are ready, but there is another pattern that you fall into, isn’t there?…

Trying and not succeeding. Investing and not reaping rewards. Beginning and not completing…. and of course, with every failed attempt, reconfirming your old subconscious beliefs and reinforcing that old conditioning that keeps you stuck, depleted, addicted, and giving your power away to those who’ve designed this system to be the way it is for their personal gain.

So again you begin to doubt that change is possible, that success in all areas of your life is available to you, that you really are divinely guided and supported, that you do have a purpose to fulfil, and you reaffirm those old, ugly beliefs that you are worthless, powerless, helpless, useless, and living a meaningless life.

Still, something deep within you is guiding you, inspiring you to try just one more time, and reminding you of the truth that is safely buried deep within you: You are enough. You are worthy. You Matter. You are capable. You are powerful.  You have purpose.  And you will always be guided and supported. 

That “something” has brought you here, and here you will find what you’ve been looking for!

This 12-week transformational embodied breakthrough process will break you out of the prison of your mind, body, energy, and reality thus far and help you breakthrough over and over again into more elevated and expansive ways of wholly being, authentically expressing, and purposefully operating so that you are ready to leap beyond the limitations of what you've envisioned could ever be possible for your health, wealth, career, and relationships and to embody the highest version of yourself as a mission focused, purpose driven, servant leader.

What's included in the 12 Week Embodied Breakthrough Program:

  • As many as needed Breakthrough Rapid Transformational Therapy Sessions to release past trauma, overcome adverse childhood experiences, and remove subconscious blocks to empowerment and success.
  • As many as needed Subconscious Mind + Energy Release sessions to release trapped emotions, clear negative energy and raise your energetic frequency to align with the reality you envision.
  • As many as needed Belief Coding sessions to connect with and nourish your inner child, infuse your being with unconditional love and acceptance, and shift to higher frequency timelines 
  • As many as needed Embodiment coaching sessions to rewire your body, integrate your Breakthrough transformation, and materialise your energetic shifts into physical sensations and behaviours that lead to tangible actions, outcomes, and feedback that you can see and feel in your physical environment. 
  • As many as needed Life Mapping and Results Focused Planning Sessions to get clear on your mission, vision, and purpose and to identify your leveraged priorities and begin implementing a plan of massive inspired action that will result in greater health, wealth, relationships, career, and contribution.
  • Access to transformational guided hypnosis audios, energy detox audios, EFT tapping audios, belief coding audios, and embodiment guides that keep you on the upward track and focused on your healing.
  • Access to me and my support, guidance, increasing tools, and growing resources in-between sessions over email, WhatsApp, and Voxer 

Investment: $5,000

As a Highly Motivated, Purpose Driven, Aspiring Servant Leader you can count on this program to change your life if you check any of the following boxes:

  • You are ready to take back control of your destiny, ready to take accountability for your thoughts, feelings, physiological state, behaviours, actions, and results, and you are ready to exercise your God-given power as the Master Of Your Reality. 
  • You are done living in fear, anxiety, scarcity, inadequacy, shame, guilt, and disconnection.You recognise that you’ve been coping through distractions, illusions, fantasies, and addictions and want to break free from the hamster wheel of busy work, superficial relationships, eating disorders, sexual frustration, promiscuity, consumption, social media, etc…
  • You are in (or nearing) a Breakdown phase and need support to navigate through it to get to the next level.
  • You’ve already done a lot of work to regulate and stabilise yourself and now looking for a Breakthrough in understanding and reprogramming your mind and body.
  • You are looking to go Beyond just healing and to step into your greatest self, to reach new heights and to serve a greater purpose.
  • You feel that you are ready, but you don’t know how to do it on your own because every time you attempt to change your self and your situation, you experience mental, emotional, and physical resistance, it feels extremely unfamiliar and so you struggle to consistently do it, and because you don’t have the right tools, guidance, and support, the work you are doing is not leading to tangible shifts and results.
  • You cannot explain it, but “something” inside you is telling you that this is the right next step for you.

Begin Your Embodied Breakthrough Transformation Today!

The start of your journey from Breakdown to Breakthrough and Beyond Is just one small step away

What Clients are Saying

Read what past clients have to say

“Salma skilfully guided me through blocks that were holding me back in my business.

I’ve become more capable of moving past fear and completing tasks that propel me forward. Instead of constantly starting over each day, I’m now building upon previous progress. I can now tap into my confidence more readily, sometimes even with a touch of sass!

If you’re experiencing a similar sense of stickiness in your journey, I wholeheartedly recommend The Breakthrough Hypnocoach. Salma’s approach is truly effective in breaking through barriers and unlocking your full potential.”  

– Debra Hopper

With her incredible capabilities, she guided me into my mind and helped me to see what was holding me back for m ore than two decades, and banish it! – I felt such reassurance and unwavering confidence that I would no longer have pain, I entered into phase of recovery and began a new chapter of my life completely pain free. I am compelled to let people know of the power and magic of one’s mind to heal… Its the healthiest act of self love- non invasive, holistic, chemical free, and you see the results right away. If you struggle with anything and want the life you were destined to have, don’t hesitate for a second. I wish I had done this years ago… It’s a beautiful journey and since it was so transformative, I plan to do it again.”

– Dorota Bayat

It has been 8 months or so and I still talk to my friends about it… It’s what I want for everyone in my life.

Salma is incredible, she knows what she’s doing and she makes it look easy. I am so grateful I read into her website on a random day!

I Highly recommend for anyone wanting to heal and reconcile with their inner child.

– Rathi.

Embody Your Greatest Self & Live Your Greatest Life!

To start your Embodied Breakthrough Journey, begin by scheduling a free consultation call


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“Salma has allowed me to free myself from the negative feelings of my clients, and instead feel positive that I am helping them. The whole experience was immensely valuable.

Now, I can allow my empathic feelings to be used to help others, whilst not taking them completely upon myself.”

– David Raper

Begin Your Transformation Today!

To start your Breakthrough Journey, begin by scheduling a free consultation call.

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Looking for an instant remedy to release stress & relax?

Grab the FREE Mindset Reset Self-Hypnosis!

Psst—It only takes 10 minutes and will clear anxieties, ease tension, activate your subconscious & improve sleep!