Embodied Travel
Breakthroughs & Rewards

Transformational and Healing Experiences custom designed by The Breakthrough Hypnocoach for Highly Sensitive People and Entrepreneurs that take you from Breakdown to Breakthrough and Beyond

Immersive and Transformative Travel Experiences

With the world as your dojo, your custom designed travel experience will complement your Embodied Breakthrough Journey thus far and allow you to up-level and test your breakthrough transformation and embody the wholly integrated, authentic, limitless you.  

This extension of your transformational healing journey will:

  • Challenge you to face your fears,
  • Test your boundaries,
  • Overcome your limitations,
  • Release your addictions,
  • Break free from old behavioural patterns and routines,
  • Expand your window of tolerance,
  • Invite your shadow to be integrated
  • Embody your most empowered and capable self,
  • Upgrade your inner child,
  • Meet your core needs,
  • Connect with your inner guidance,
  • Surrender and trust in the divine,
  • Experience deeper connection and a sense of belonging with yourself, other travellers, and the locals that you meet at your destinations
  • Celebrate your ever-growing, ever expanding, ever elevating highest self.

How Embodied Travel Breakthroughs
Enhance Your Transformation

Allow the universal experience of travelling to heal your soul as you receive ancient healing gifts from guides around the world.

Overcome your fears (of heights or otherwise) and prove to yourself that you are greater than the limitations of your mind.

Embrace the unfamiliar and defy your limited ideas of what is possible, what is normal, & what is acceptable, break out of the box.

Reconnect with who you really are and practice the embodiment of your most authentic, connected, and powerful self.

Experience awe and connect with the Divine through signs embedded in nature.

Test your limits and challenge your body to climb to new heights and overcome any obstacle in your way.

Immerse yourself in an alternate reality, experience a shift in perspective,& develop a renewed appreciation for modern day comforts you've taken for granted.

Align with the balanced flow & rhythm of nature as you sync up your body with the natural dance of yin & yang, masculine & feminine

Listen to the stories of the indigenous peoples around the world & receive from their wisdom the guidance and inspiration you need to serve humanity.

Honor your heritage and reconnect with your ancestors to heal generational trauma and unlock your inherited gifts and talents.

Recognise your own beauty in the beauty of every human you meet who despite their differences, has a story that you can deeply relate to.

Connect and experience a sense of belonging with the travelling strangers who despite where they are from, have been guided to the same destination as you.

Embrace diversity, connect with the source of what unites us, find common ground, and explore what it means to be different but same, separate yet connected as one.

Explore a different way of being & doing. Challenge yourself to eat, dress, speak, walk, work a new way

Learn from the true embodiment experts (animals) how to be grounded, present, and worry free

Be open to connection and transform strangers into friends!

Develop a practice of embodied meditation and get really good at being with your body, quieting your mind, & processing your emotions

Cleanse your body, purify your heart & elevate your soul in God's sacred & holy sites around the world, experience rebirth, embrace a new beginning & reconnect with your sacred divine purpose.

Join Us Around the World As We Celebrate Every Embodied Breakthrough Transformation

We Invite All Embodied Breakthrough Program Graduates to Join Our Travel Rewards Membership

In addition to the personalised Embodied Travel Breakthrough experiences, graduates of all Embodied Breakthrough Programs are eligible to join us as we travel to gather in a beautiful & new setting to celebrate our transformations, reflect on our collective Breakthroughs and plan our journey to Beyond. As an alumnus, you have the option to become an Embodied Travel Rewards Member allowing you to join us in these celebratory retreats around the world quarterly or as and when they occur! Register your interest below to receive details on the different membership options available to you or your team. 

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